вторник, 14 октября 2014 г.

What every person should know about SDN and OpenFlow

Legendary network guy, Ivan Pepelnjak, granted free access to his book for free.
Must read!

четверг, 30 июня 2011 г.

vCenter and Oracle DB

Post Deployment tuning for Oracle 11 g R2

Oracle DB
  • In vCenter Server 4.1, add a Unique Index in the VPXV_DEVICE_COUNTER table for better performance.
    create unique index VPXI_DEVICE_COUNT_IDX on VPXV_DEVICE_COUNTER(entity_id, device_name, stat_id);
  • In all Oracle instances (VCREP, VUMREP, etc.) set default policy to disable password aging

вторник, 14 июня 2011 г.

Unobvious perl

system("hash svn") and system("hash svn >/dev/null") return different values, because hash is shell built-in function and
If there is only one scalar argument, the argument is checked for shell metacharacters, and if there are any, the entire argument is passed to the system's command shell for parsing (this is /bin/sh -c on Unix platforms, but varies on other platforms). If there are no shell metacharacters in the argument, it is split into words and passed directly to execvp , which is more efficient.
 Perldoc system

понедельник, 12 апреля 2010 г.

Utility to configure VPN routes (Win32)

Utility uses iproute.ini for configuration. Put this file near the binary.

1. [Options] section
Configure parameters for VPN adresses subnet. Utility will define VPN gateway according specified subnet.


2. [Routes] section


And so on....

3. Usage

iproute ADD - adds routes from iproute.ini config file

iproute DELETE - adds routes from iproute.ini config file

3. Configure utility to run using CMAK

Define actions:

Define Post-connect action:

Define Disconnect action:

Utility was found here: http://www.ingeletek.com/blog/misc.php/2008/12/04/using-cmak-to-form-a-split-tunnel-in-vis?blog=6&title=using-cmak-to-form-a-split-tunnel-in-vis&disp=single&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1
Page seems to be abandoned. If you know the author, I will be glad to contact him.

Link to download:

понедельник, 1 февраля 2010 г.

Немного про Intel SSD

На российском рынке стал доступен SSD Intel X-25M. В отличие от старшего брата X-25Е он собран на MLC чипах и потому вполне доступен по цене. Достаточно подробный обзор: http://www.ixbt.com/storage/ssd-intel-x25m.shtml

Тест enterprise массива (точнее результаты hi-end при малом числе "шпинделей"):
Ну а вот накопитель для "бедных" - Intel X-25V:
Ну и напоследок мнение Линуса: